25th International Conference
on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State
This event marks nearly half a century of the history of the ICCOSS series of conferences, which continues to gather together and is the signature conference of the researchers from the solid-state chemistry, crystal engineering, and crystal growth communities. The first meeting was in 1968 in Brookhaven, and we relish the opportunity to host this 25th meeting in the beautiful town of Ohrid, on the shores of the Lake Ohrid, a UNESCO World Heritage site and a cultural and spiritual center of South-Eastern Europe. The conference program includes plenary lectures, oral presentations (40 minutes or 20 minutes), and two poster sessions. The oral presentations include invited lectures and a selection of lectures from the submitted abstracts. The venue for all sessions and the workshop on powder diffraction following the conference is Hotel Inex Olgica.
ICCOSS XXV – Ohrid, Macedonia
July 3 – 8, 2022