Abstract submission is open!
The International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy-ICCGE-20 will be the latest in a sequence that started with ICCG-1 in Boston, MA, USA in 1966, which marked the formation of the crystal growth community as an independent discipline rather than subsidiary to a number of other fields. The key principle is that the theory and practice of crystal growth is common across a range of materials and applications and that we have much to share with one another.
It will provide sessions for presentation and discussion regarding recent research and development activities in all aspects of crystal growth, epitaxy, characterization and applications including both general sessions and special topical symposia.
- 2D Materials
- Advances in observation and characterization methods
- Bulk crystal growth
- Composite and hybrid crystals
- Crystalline solids for drugs and pharmaceuticals
- Crystallization of organic and biological systems
- Crystals for photovoltaics and green energy
- Functional crystals
- Fundamentals of nucleation and crystal growth
- Growth at the nanoscale: nanocrystals, nanowires, nanomaterials
- Industrial crystal growth technology and equipment
- Modelling and artificial intelligence of crystal growth processes
- New methods and techniques for crystal growth
- Optical crystals
- Semiconductors
- Structural defects and impurities in crystalline materials
- Surfaces and Interfaces
- Thin films and epitaxial growth
- Topological quantum materials
For any enquiries get in touch with us at any time.